Call the Rink Office:  215-997-9797
Hatfield Ice Arena

Figure Skating Clinics & Camps

**Jump Start: Bridge Program**
WALK-ONS AVAILABLE for Session #4: Sign up in person or online! Click HERE to see the flyer!
2025 Spring Session #4
When: Saturdays March 8th – April 19th (NO CLASS 3/15)
Time: Basic 3 through Pre-Free Skate 1:15-2:15pm
            Pre-Free Skate through Freeskate 6 8:15-9:15am
**Parent Education Meeting**
Saturday March 29th 12pm-1pm located at Hatfield Ice main building. All parents are welcome to attend even if your child does not attend our Jump Start classes! Please email Megan Blust if you plan to attend. 
2025 Spring Session #5
When: Saturdays April 26th – June 14th (NO CLASS 5/24)
Time: Basic 3 through Pre-Free Skate 1:15-2:15pm
            Pre-Free Skate through Freeskate 6 8:15-9:15am
What: Additional skating class for skaters Basic 3 and higher looking to take the next step in figure skating and advance through the more challenging levels. Read more about what is included in our brochure. 
Where: Hockey Heaven Mini Rink (840 Bethlehem Pike Colmar PA, 18915)
Click HERE for the brochure! This will be the last session this class is offered until September. If you have questions about this program please email the Skating Director, Megan Blust ( Space is limited to 10 skaters in our AM class and 12 skaters in our PM class. Get your spot today!
Figure Skating Classes
April Skating Skills Class
When: Thursday April 3rd 6:10-7:10pm
Who: Skaters must be in Pre-Free Skate and higher if new to skating skills. Only Pre-Preliminary, Preliminary, and Pre-Bronze tests will be worked on. Adults in equivalent levels are welcome!
What: Skaters will work on the test for their level for USFS’s skating skills. 
Cost: $35 ($30 if signed up by 3/27)
April Artistry in Motion Classes
When: Sundays April 6th and 27th 3:10-4:10pm
Who: Skaters must be in Basic 5 and higher 
What: Skaters will work on expression, choreography, unique moves, and their overall skating skills to music. It is like a dance class on the ice!
Cost: $35 each class ($30 each class if signed up by 3/30) 
Instructor: Claire Lonergan
*Skaters can sign up for one class or both classes
April Spins Class
When: Thursday April 10th 6:10-7:10pm
Who: Skaters must be in Freeskate 3 and higher
What: Skaters will work on a variety of spins including camel, sit, backspin, layback, and combinations. 
Cost: $35 ($30 if signed up by 4/3)
*If your skater is below Freeskate 3, there is another class for those Basic 3 through Freeskate 2 at the same time called “April Basic Skating Skills”
April Basic Skating Skills Class
When: Thursday April 10th 6:10-7:10pm
Who: Skaters must be in Basic 3 through Freeskate 2
What: Skaters will work on skills from many levels including skating skills, spins, and jumps. They will be grouped with other skaters of similar levels. 
Cost: $35 ($30 if signed up by 4/3)
*If your skater is above Freeskate 2, they should sign up for the “April Spins” class at the same time
May Jumps Classes
When: Tuesday May 13th and Thursday May 15th 6:10-7:10pm
Who: Skaters must be in Basic 6 and higher 
What: Skaters will work on the jumps from their level including half jumps, single jumps, double jumps, and jump combinations. 
Cost: $35 each class ($30 each class if signed up by 5/6)
*Skaters can sign up for one class or both classes
Click HERE for the brochure! The brochure is the same for all of the classes. You can sign up for many at one time or just individual classes. Be sure to circle which class(es) you want to participate in. If you have questions about these classes please email the Skating Director, Megan Blust ( Online registration is also available for all classes. Space is limited in each of these classes. Get your spot today!
Figure Skating Camps
June Full Day Figure Skating Camp
When: June 23rd-27th
Time: 9am-4pm
Who: Skaters must be Basic 3 and higher 
Cost: $415 ($390 if registered by 6/2)
Click HERE for the brochure! If you have questions about this camp please email the Skating Director, Megan Blust ( Space is limited. Get your spot today!
August Full Day Figure Skating Camp
When: August 18th-21st (4 days only)
Time: 8am-4:15pm
Who: Skaters must be in Basic 3 and higher
Cost: $415 ($390 if registered by 7/21)
August Figure Skating Clinic
When: August 18th-21st (4 days only)
Time: 1:15-4:15pm
Who: Skaters must be in Freeskate 1 and higher 
Cost: $240 ($215 if registered by 7/21)
**The August Figure Skating Clinic is part of the August Full Day Camp** 
Click HERE for the brochure! If you have questions about this camp please email the Skating Director, Megan Blust ( Space is limited. Get your spot today!
Hockey Power Skating
April Youth Hockey Power Skating Classes
When: Sundays April 6th and 27th 4:20-5:20pm
Who: Skaters must be in Hockey 4 and higher. This program is a good fit for those in Learn to Play Hockey, Mite through Peewee In-House, Mite and Squirt travel, Peewee Icehawks, and Lady Patriots 8u, 10u, and 12u. 
What: Skaters will work on hockey skating drills including forward and backward stride, forward and backward edges, crossovers, transitions, and stops and starts. 
Cost: $40 per class ($35 per class if signed up by 3/30)
Instructor: Claire Lonergan
*Skaters can sign up for one or both classes
Click HERE for the brochure! If you have questions about this program please email the Skating Director, Megan Blust ( Space is limited. Get your spot today! Registrations are also available online!